Summary of the EDU-ARCTIC2 project workshops for teachers in Poland

Within the project EDU-ARCTIC2: from polar research to scientific passion – innovative nature education in Poland and Norway we have conducted 5 workshops. They were addressed to teachers of mathematics and science subjects, as well as teachers conducting language classes in bilingual classes.

The workshops took place in the following forms:

  • stationary in Poznań, Olsztyn and Warsaw;
  • hybrid (with Warsaw as the location);
  • online (twice).

In workshops participated 133 teachers.

Participation in the meetings was free of charge, teachers received personal certificates confirming participation in the workshops. The questionnaires filled in by the participants at the end of the workshops indicated that the workshops met the expectations of 99% of participants, and the content presented during the training was useful to 99% of them. We are very pleased that as many as 88% of participants are interested in use the project materials during this school year.